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Is X in "mas" the real deal?? READ!!

>> Thursday, December 16, 2010

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Xmas" is a common abbreviation of the word "Christmas"
. It is sometimes pronounced /ˈɛksməs/, but it, and variants such as "Xtemass", originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation, /ˈkrɪsməs/.
The "-mas" part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for "mass",[1] while the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".


Wisdom Is The Principal Thing

>> Monday, November 8, 2010

Proverbs 31:26 “She opens her mouth with skillful and godly Wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness-giving counsel and instruction.”

The word, “skillful” means, having a great ability and expertise that comes from training and practice. Part of walking in wisdom to become skillful we must allow ourselves to be trained. We need to learn how to work in certain areas. (I have always tried to practice this) Through the practice of doing something over and over and over, we learn how to do it. It is as simple as that. In the natural there are different examples, such as, when our children are learning how to walk, they will fall down. Do we expect them to fall down? Yes. That is not unbelief or a negative confession, its reality. We also learn many things by falling down. I don’t mean we learn how to be humble by God breaking our arm… no, I am not talking about that. Possibly a person asks us what to do about a situation and we share our solution. But, then later, we listened to somebody teach and they said, “In this situation, this is the best thing to do.” We think, “Oh my, I told them to do the opposite.” Skilled wisdom gets training from other situations and then turns it around and helps people. So, lets ask God to give us His spiritual wisdom.....

There are three things to remember when learning from this scripture: First, we do have some knowledge. Most of us already have wisdom in certain areas. We have already grown some as Christians. Second, we will get skillful and godly wisdom from just plain learning, trying, working, experiencing and speaking. As we mature and grow, we gain more insight. Third, we must open our mouths and allow the Spirit of God to talk through us. More often than not we never know that it happened. I have had people come to me and say, “You said this to me and I could not believe it.” I have prayed for people before and they have come back a month later and proceeded to tell me what I prayed for and I think, “Skillful and godly wisdom and counsel came right from my mouth and I had no knowledge of it.” It came forth because of the Spirit of God. As mighty women of God, let’s move out in the Spirit and allow His wisdom to pour forth from our mouths.



"What Am I Doing Wrong?"

>> Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What am I doing wrong?

Sound familiar? It may be that your intentions are good, but you’re trying too hard. I’ve put together some sound dating advice for women in order to avoid this and make things go more smoothly. I loved the movie “How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days” So funny, so true!! I usually don’t address the singles but I thought it would be a great topic!
I have 8 things to bring to your attention….

Talk to Avoid

Don’t talk about your last boyfriend, fiancé or husband on the first few dates. Men immediately think one of two things if you talk about your ex during a date. Either you’re still hung up on him, or you’re bitter and angry about being dumped. A guy doesn’t like either of these options, and he’ll take a pass on someone with that kind of emotional baggage.

Be Yourself

For a single woman, dating advice should probably be more complex than that, but really it all boils down to those two words: "Be yourself." Forget playing the girl who you think he would want to catch his interest if you aren’t that type. You’ll only get yourself stuck in a role that will increasingly frustrate you, and eventually he’ll see through the charade and be offended by your dishonesty.

Don’t Trap Him

Even if you sense that he’s got great potential early on, don’t start talking about your future dreams of marriage and family right away. The most often overlooked dating advice for women is usually the most crucial – men take things slower. They don’t want to be considered as a life partner after date number two. They’ll feel trapped, and like all trapped animals, they will run or go on the defensive. Keep in mind men like to be the pursuer!

Accept Compliments

You’d be surprised how often men complain that women can’t take a compliment properly. If he tells you that you look wonderful, a simple, "Thank you," is the right response. Don’t cut yourself down or accuse him of, "Just saying that." You also shouldn’t go into details about how you borrowed the dress from a friend because it was so expensive you’d never dream of buying it yourself, blah, blah, blah lol lol. If he says you look lovely in the dress, acknowledge the compliment and move on. He really doesn’t want the details of how or why you look great – but he will appreciate being thanked for noticing that you do. Accepting a compliment means you are self-confident and comfortable with yourself.

Be on Time

This is great dating advice for women and men. (I personally hate late!!) Whether you’re meeting a man someplace or he’s picking you up, it’s not polite or thoughtful to leave him cooling his heels – and no, and it doesn’t build anticipation. It just makes you seem rude. Really ladies your date will start off so bad and maybe end bad!

Express Your Opinions Honestly

Men quickly get bored with women who always agree with everything they say. Sure, it may be flattering to the ego for a bit, but that soon fades to boredom and/or irritation when they realize they can’t sustain an intelligent conversation with you. It’s also draining personally to keep up that kind of the whole thing! – what are you going to do a year from now? Stand firm on issues that are important to you, discuss events honestly but don’t get into an argument just to prove you’re right. Disagreeing on some things is what adds spice to a relationship – as long as the disagreements aren’t moral or life-changing. But, don’t be a jerk about it! 

Don’t be a Pest

It may sound like old-fashioned dating advice for women, but I believe it still holds true – men like to know they’re interesting, but they don’t want to be nagged into dating you. Can you call a man a few days after a date and thank him for a nice evening and chat? Sure! But don’t call the next day, then the next, then the next. Leave one message – if he’s interested, he’ll call you back. It may take a few days (he could be busy, he could be nervous). If he isn’t interested, increasingly desperate, repeated messages from you won’t help your cause.

Be Positive

You are on a date, not at a therapy session. Spilling your guts about how much your mother drives you crazy and why you want to kill your boss will not endear you to a man who had hopes of enjoying a relaxing evening with you. (remember men aren’t geared to be girlfriends! Should you hope that a relationship includes friendship? Yes! But don’t treat a man you’ve recently started dating like your old college roommate or priest. True confessions aren’t good for the soul or the relationship too early on, and lots of complaining gives the impression you may never be happy with your life.

Girls, I hope you take this to heart! WATCH the movie! You will laugh but really soooo much truth in to it!


Health,Not Diet!

>> Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I HATE the word diet! Did you ever notice that the first three letters says that's about the truth too. God did not intend for us to diet. He says "do all things in moderation" We all want the fast fix in life but that is not what happens in eating healthy.
We did our H3 class last night on nutrition. I have never seen so many women enlightened at one time.
The one thing I say to all you who read this is (learn) what nutrition is. We automatically think nutrition is NEVER getting to eat the foods we really enjoy! That is a misnomer.The truth is YES you can.

As a matter of fact it's the only way we should eat! There are so many fad diets that have hit our country that our metabolism is so messed up its no wonder we can't lose weight. Do you know DIET soda MAKES you fat??? does!


"Diet coke might possibly be affecting your appetite. A recent study on the effects of artificial sweetener on mice showed that mice given artificial sweetener ate more food than those given just sugar.
This is because your body interprets something that's sweet as having a lot of calories, so it uses up a lot of calories in anticipation. Then when the body realizes the calories it thought it was getting were just artificial sweetener, you get hungrier."

The big news break is: Read labels..Do a BMI (Body Mass Index) on your height, weight) then: Get a plan of how many calories you can have per day. This should not be over whelming! You will be so surprised how much food you can have w/o feeling starved or deprived..REALLY! My last words to you are Alternative.. There is always an alternative to eating. Not going w/o. Going w/o tells your body you are in starvation mode. Eating is a wonderful way of life! More to come soon..
Bon Appétit'



>> Monday, April 26, 2010

I was out riding w/ Bishop today and I saw this one cactus standing all alone and it gave me the idea to do this blog. When I saw this one cactus it reminded me of a song yrs. ago that starts out with "One is the loneliest number that there ever was" I do believe that on so many levels.

But, the one I want to talk about today is souls for Christ. It has always been a huge passion of mine to win souls for Christ. The bible says in the book of proverbs "He that wins souls is wise" If "one" would win one there would never be "one" alone! :)

It's amazing how each one of us could win one soul for Christ how the world could be won almost over night. (I could be a bit off there) but you get my point. Jesus left the ninety nine to go after the "one" Now if He can lead the way how much more we should follow in His foots steps.

So, this Sunday or Wed. bring a friend to church so they can find the Lord Jesus Christ. Then they will pay it forward! Then: there will be no more "one's" the loneliest number there ever was!
Gloria Pruitt



>> Thursday, April 1, 2010

There is an old song and it says ("WHEN YOU SMILE THE WHOLE WORLD SMILES AT YOU") There is a lot to be said about that! The bible says that laughter is good medicine. I guess God does know exactly what we need. Psalm 126:2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. According to: In: Health, Human Anatomy, Muscular System It takes one more muscle to smile than to frown, according to plastic surgeon David H. Song, MD, FACTS, assistant professor at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Newspapers around the globe assure us, "Frowning takes more muscles than smiling," 13 to smile, 33 to frown - The Washington Post. 10 to smile, 100 to frown - The New York Times, 4 to smile, 64 to frown - A great writer wrote, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. That is truly interesting! So, why do I write about this? Because a smile just doesn't affect you... it also touches all those who will come in contact with through out your day! About twelve yrs. ago I was at a very low time in my life.I can remember praying to God and asking him to use someone that day to give me a smile. To some that read this it won't be much of an impact to. To others it will bring tears to your eyes because you have been in a place where one smile got you through the day. As believers when we smile no matter what our situation it tell a great story of Christ in us... There are so many hurting people in the world in which we live in. People suffer in so many ways and a smile can bring the greatest hope for them. And guess what? A smile is free.... So common….. lets each day remember to change a frown into a smile! Began to smile pay it forward. It will be a great reward to you as well as all come in contact with. Many Blessings, Gloria


This Could Be U!

>> Friday, March 5, 2010

I was inspired by this picture 2 do this blog lol...There is a lot 2 be said..What's that old saying "picture is worth a thousand words"...Listen believe it or not I once smoked 2..I judge no one on this matter. However, putting aside all the picture humor it's all about health.

Around 5.4 million deaths a year are caused by tobacco.
* Smoking is set to kill 6.5 million people in 2015 and 8.3 million humans in 2030, with the biggest rise in low-and middle-income countries.

* Every 6.5 seconds a current or former smoker dies, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

* An estimated 1.3 billion people are smokers worldwide (WHO).

Over 443,000 Americans (over 18 percent of all deaths) die because of smoking each year. Secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 of them.

1.2 million people in China die because of smoking each year. That's 2,000 people a day.

Tobacco use will kill 1 billion people in the 21st century if current smoking trends continue.

33 percent to 50 percent of all smokers are killed by their habit.
* Smokers die on average 15 years sooner than nonsmokers.

THIS IS THE CURRENT STATISTICS. (Not 2 speak of second hand smoke,) and the COST.
SMOKEFREE.GOV is a site I saw on line. I hope u will ck. it out and be helpful 2u..Listen stopping smoking is not easy.(BUT IT IS POSSIBLE)... I hope this tongue in cheek blog (but....NOT FUNNY) will encourage u futher. New yr. is not that far behind u w/ the New Yr. resolution! Blessings..


Don't Be His Mom

>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don't Be His Mom

Ladies, today I’m going to challenge you with something that may be uncomfortable for some of you.
Do not parent your husband.

I could leave it at that and tell you to take what you will from it…and if that sentence is all you take away from this post, I’m great with that.
For those of you who need a little more explanation though, I’ll keep going.

It is absolutely not your job to parent, boss, reprimand or in any way try to tell your hubby how it is or how it is going to be. Especially in public.
Still with me?
It’s so important that we are respectful. Does that mean that we cannot disagree with him? Absolutely not. But how we handle it is key!

What you say and how you say it most definitely reflects to others…whether it’s your children or other people around you. You husband was created to be the leader of your home, that doesn’t mean he’s to lord over you, but to demean him is to remove that from him completely.

Some women may actually be thinking that’s a good thing, but I can promise you this…it will destroy many facets of your relationship and even your family structure. I don’t have a technical explanation or a fancy mumbo jumbo name for it, it’s just the simple truth. lol

Yet another one of those things that are Biblically laid out for us…those are my favorites. The kind of scriptures that tell us how to live and all we have to do is listen and things will go swimmingly.

and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping (Proverbs 19:13b)
Or maybe this one… (Like I always say @ the V.I.E.W. say what you want to say...then move on and let your husband process what you have said) A lot to be said about Men Are From Mars...
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)

Of course, I could go on and on…but I won’t. Here’s the deal though, these instructions are definitely NOT to belittle you, trap you, make you feel like the lesser mate. They are completely to protect you.

Can I just admit that when I mess up and am less than lovely to my husband I think it’s me who incurs the most damage in the end.

Can I just encourage you to focus a bit on how you are regarding your husband this next week, especially in public and in front of your children? If you do mess up, simply ask for forgiveness (from your hubby) and move on.
I pray that your marriage is blessed! Smooches....


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