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>> Monday, April 26, 2010

I was out riding w/ Bishop today and I saw this one cactus standing all alone and it gave me the idea to do this blog. When I saw this one cactus it reminded me of a song yrs. ago that starts out with "One is the loneliest number that there ever was" I do believe that on so many levels.

But, the one I want to talk about today is souls for Christ. It has always been a huge passion of mine to win souls for Christ. The bible says in the book of proverbs "He that wins souls is wise" If "one" would win one there would never be "one" alone! :)

It's amazing how each one of us could win one soul for Christ how the world could be won almost over night. (I could be a bit off there) but you get my point. Jesus left the ninety nine to go after the "one" Now if He can lead the way how much more we should follow in His foots steps.

So, this Sunday or Wed. bring a friend to church so they can find the Lord Jesus Christ. Then they will pay it forward! Then: there will be no more "one's" the loneliest number there ever was!
Gloria Pruitt



>> Thursday, April 1, 2010

There is an old song and it says ("WHEN YOU SMILE THE WHOLE WORLD SMILES AT YOU") There is a lot to be said about that! The bible says that laughter is good medicine. I guess God does know exactly what we need. Psalm 126:2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. According to: In: Health, Human Anatomy, Muscular System It takes one more muscle to smile than to frown, according to plastic surgeon David H. Song, MD, FACTS, assistant professor at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Newspapers around the globe assure us, "Frowning takes more muscles than smiling," 13 to smile, 33 to frown - The Washington Post. 10 to smile, 100 to frown - The New York Times, 4 to smile, 64 to frown - A great writer wrote, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. That is truly interesting! So, why do I write about this? Because a smile just doesn't affect you... it also touches all those who will come in contact with through out your day! About twelve yrs. ago I was at a very low time in my life.I can remember praying to God and asking him to use someone that day to give me a smile. To some that read this it won't be much of an impact to. To others it will bring tears to your eyes because you have been in a place where one smile got you through the day. As believers when we smile no matter what our situation it tell a great story of Christ in us... There are so many hurting people in the world in which we live in. People suffer in so many ways and a smile can bring the greatest hope for them. And guess what? A smile is free.... So common….. lets each day remember to change a frown into a smile! Began to smile pay it forward. It will be a great reward to you as well as all come in contact with. Many Blessings, Gloria


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